Sunday, 21 April 2013

What next for government offices using windows XP?

In a recent post here, I explored the fate of two systems whose future is certainly doomed. In a continuation of the same today I explore the extend of the effect of Microsoft’s stop of support for windows XP on government offices. Recall that the support for the operating system will stop in April 2014; this is Just a year from now.
During my campus days, I attended an attachment at a government office which is supposed to be using the latest technologies and especially when it comes to the operating system used. However at the time most of the offices’ desktop machines were still using windows XP. Also note that the machines were a mere Pentium IV. Well Maybe the Pentium thing can be understood but the use of windows XP when Vista came and went with windows 7 as the main thing is quite unacceptable.
The ramifications of using windows XP after its support has been stopped are diverse and not just to the government offices but to any other person. I have talked about this in this post but one important thing to note is that there will be new malware which will be targeting the operating system and with no patches then one would never know what they expose themselves to.
Owing to the government’s bureaucratic processes and the “it’s not my responsibility” attitude it will take such a long time to have all the systems updated. In addition if the recent events at IEBC are anything to go by then a lot is left to be desired. This will probably be another opportunity for somebody’s turn to eat and we all can simply wait and see what will happen when the Inevitable happens come April 2014. 
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