Tuesday 19 February 2013

Cracking a windows password based security

In my previous post here, I talked about how hard it is to trust the cyber space in which our most valuable information passes through. Well today I wish to be the devil’s advocate and show you how to crack a window based password security. Don’t get me wrong but there are numerous situations which will warrant the need to have the password cracked but if security is you hobby then doing what we call professional hacking might be your excuse.
So what do you need? Below is a list of the tool you will need.
1.    A Linux based operating system, preferably on a CD/DVD.(I use Ubuntu)
2.    A windows password file reset tool.
3.    Another windows machine which you have access to.
4.    You attention might be a useful tool too. J
Before we start its important to note that in dual boot systems, usually the Linux based system such as ubuntu can access a windows file system and that will be the basis of our password cracking.
The next thing to know is that windows passwords are stored in a file called SAM which is found in the directory
1.    Shutdown down your machine.
2.    Boot from the Ubuntu CD (or whatever similar based Linux variant you have).
3.    When its fully boots access the folder in the path above then copy the  file named SAM.
4.    Now go back to the other windows machine and paste the SAM file wherever probably on the desktop.
5.    Run the password file reset tool which can be downloaded from here.
Note that there are multiple password reset tool some which a free with other being proprietary.

From the screenshot above, it’s clear what you need to do. Select the location of the SAM file then click (RE) open.
It will list all the user account available in the machine and then when you click on an account the unlock or change password button will be activated. Play around to fit your needs.
6.    Exit from the tool and confirm that the file has been edited by right clicking then going to properties.
7.    Copy the file from where you got it from.
We are done and your password have been either changed or completely removed.

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