is one of those questions most people tend to ask themselves quite often. Well
ask no more for in this post you will find out precisely when to the nearest
second. I am not sure about using other website images on my blog due to
copyright issues so am gonna use the sister blog for demonstration. You can
visit it by clicking on this link.
you will see, it’s clearly indicated that the post was made on May 14th
2012. However we need to ascertain whether that is true. Am using Mozilla firefox version 3.6 by the way.
1. On the menu bar click on tools.
2. Then click on page
1. This brings up a popup window as the one show below.
As you will see under the general tab there is just so much information about the current web
page. Specifically this one confirms that I actually made that post on may the
14th. Visit any other site and it will give you the same information and also whether is an encrypted website and if so the algorithm used!!
For whatever reason you might want to find out how
long a website has been running. Well you simply follow this link. Use the way back machine which will give
you an experience like a time machine on how a certain website looked the first
time it went live and all the changes that it has been through.